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NYC MTA Plans to Drop Toll Evader Fines by 50%

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The New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NYC MTA) has recently announced that it would reduce the fines that many alleged toll evaders would face by up to 50%. Rather than a $100 fine, drivers who are ticketed for failing to pay at certain toll roads and checkpoints would only face a $50 fine.

The reduced toll evasion fines would reportedly apply to these toll checkpoints:

  • Bronx-Whitestone Bridge
  • Triborough Bridge (RFK Bridge)
  • Throgs Neck Bridge
  • Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge
  • Queens-Midtown Tunnel
  • Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel

A spokesperson for the MTA said the reduced fines would help keep toll road fines consistent with those similarly enforced by the Port Authority. It is believed that reducing the fine may encourage more people to pay it, potentially increasing how much the city makes through such fines each year, despite the 50% decrease.

A $50 Fine is Just the Beginning

Although a $50 decrease in the fine for evading a toll charge might seem kind of the MTA, it is important to realize that the fine could be just the beginning of the penalties that a driver could face. In April, local legislators launched updated laws to punish toll evaders and other drivers who commit other traffic violations. If a driver is accused of evading a toll, the $50 fine could potentially be paired with a revocation of their driver’s license, depending on their driving record.

At Gannes & Musico, LLP in New York City, our attorneys have secured thousands of “not guilty” verdicts in traffic ticket cases handled on behalf of our clients. Our advice as trusted local professionals who focus on traffic violation defense cases is to not be too hasty to pay a $50 fine for evading a toll just because the amount was dropped from $100. If you agree to pay the $50 fine, you might also set yourself up for various other penalties and consequences. Before you agree to pay any fine for any traffic violation in NYC, talk to us first about your options and see if we can help keep your driving record clean.

Call (877) 803-2603 now to talk with a NYC traffic ticket defense attorney during a FREE consultation.

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